Christ Church Memphis

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Israel, the United States, and the Christian Church

This blog deals with the aftermath of the Hamas terrorist act, which took place on October 7, 2023.  

On a personal level, I unequivocally condemn the violence perpetrated against Israeli citizens. I have written the following piece to give some perspective as we find ourselves grieving over the depravity human beings are capable of perpetrating on others.

At the time of this writing, Israel has declared that they are officially at war. Civilian men, women, and children were murdered, violated, paraded, and kidnapped during a violent incursion by Hamas, an entity classified by many governments as a terrorist organization. To better understand the history of the conflict taking place in Israel and the Middle East, read this LINK. To better understand Hamas, you can read about their charter HERE.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, and it is also a U.S. ally. Because the United States is an ally of Israel, two aircraft carrier groups have moved into the region to deter Hezbollah or other nation-states from widening the conflict. 

North Americans and people around the world have watched this tragedy play out on our television screens and social media feeds. The actions of Hamas against innocent civilians have been horrifying.

How Should the Church Respond in This Hour? 

1) We Recognize All Life Is Valuable and Sacred

At the time of this writing, at least 1,200 Israelis and 1,100 Palestinians have perished due to the conflict. As Christians, we grieve the loss of life because all people are made in the image of God. Palestinians are made in the image of God. Jewish people are made in the image of God. Even our enemies are made in God's image. 

2) We Will Not Succumb to Being a People of Hate: "Hate Will Not Drive Out Hate." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

A follower of Jesus has a great advantage in times of crises (and in good times). You not only have access to God, you are God's dwelling place on earth. As you "walk in the Spirit,” you have the opportunity to rise above the hatred and fear we see being personified by some on social media and television. 

"God has not given you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power and a sound mind.2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

3) We Recognize the Church Has Wrestled With War and Evil Throughout History

While there are many ethical issues related to war and wartime, it can be helpful to turn to certain Church Fathers in wrestling with the dynamics. Even Augustine thought deeply about war and the consideration surrounding times when it may be considered just for one nation to wage war under certain circumstances. If you would like to read more on the topic of Just War Theory, go HERE.  

4) We Are Discerning Regarding What We Read and Hear

Christians are to be discerning. Discernment is not the same thing as suspicion. Suspicion is based primarily on a breakdown of trust. Discernment, on the other hand, is based on being circumspect, weighing all the facts, and then considering the facts in the light of Scripture. 

Hamas has gone on public record that they not only wish to destroy the nation-state of Israel, but they desire to destroy the Jewish people altogether. They deny the Holocaust took place and, at the same time, desire for the Jewish people to undergo a Holocaust at their hands. It is a strange juxtaposition to deny the Holocaust and yet to desire a Holocaust. One people wants the right to exist, and another wants the entire elimination of a people. These are not moral equivalents.

5) We Are Sensitive To Our Jewish Heritage as Christians

As Christians, we all have a Jewish heritage. The King of the Universe is from Israel. Jesus was Jewish. His mother was Jewish. His brothers were Jewish. His Apostles were Jewish. His prophets were Jewish. His ancestors were Jewish. In addition, the Scriptures admonish Jews and Christians to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem." Psalm 122:6

6) We Condemn Anti-Semitism In All Its Forms

How do we explain the killing of the Jews by the Nazis before the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948? How do we explain the Russian pogroms against the Jewish communities half a century earlier? How do we explain the violent acts against the Jewish people over the centuries? As Christians, we believe all people are made in the image of God and are worthy of being treated with dignity.

7) We Remember Hamas Does Not Represent All Palestinians

We also see and value the dignity and worth of the Palestinian people. We recognize that Hamas does not represent all Palestinians. We also recognize many among the Palestinian people are Christians and, therefore, are our eternal sisters and brothers in Christ.

8) We Are Committed To Pray For Not Only the Peace of Jerusalem But For God to Reign in Every Heart Through the Gift of His Gospel

Hamas took political control of Gaza, a territory on the southeastern border of Israel, in 2007. And while they are enemies, members of Hamas need the Gospel. Remember, the Apostle Paul was a terrorist before he came to know Jesus. There were many Christians praying for God's movement then, and many Christians need to be praying now. Therefore, let us lift fervent prayers for peace in this hour and for God's Gospel to go forth in transforming power.