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The Ultimate Christian Gift Guide: What to Get Your Spouse for Christmas

Buying the perfect Christmas gift for your spouse can be difficult. In this gift guide, we share five ideas to encourage and deepen your marriage.


In this guide, we will explore a few Christian-themed gift ideas to celebrate your spouse and your shared faith. The Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide for Your Spouse

  1. Couples Prayer Journal

  2. Pray Together Through Devotionals

  3. Express Your Love in a Handwritten Letter

  4. Grow Together Through Books

  5. Get Away to the We Want More Marriage Summit

Remembering The Reason For Christmas

In the Christma season, we eagerly search for the perfect gifts to express our love and appreciation for those closest to us, especially our beloved spouses. However, it’s often those we’re closest to that can be the hardest to buy for, so we’re here to make a few recommendations.

But as we dive into the world of gift-giving, it’s important to acknowledge the heart of the Christmas story and why, ultimately, Christmas isn’t about the presents we exchange but about celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

In the Christmas story, we find the greatest gift of all time. The birth of Jesus reminds us that love, sacrifice, and faith are at the core of this season. It’s a time when we reflect on the profound gift of salvation, God’s love incarnate, and the hope that Christ brings into our lives.

This guide explores a few Christian-themed gift ideas to celebrate your spouse and your shared faith. These gifts serve as a reminder of the love you share and the importance of nurturing your spiritual connection.

The Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide for Your Spouse

1) Couples Prayer Journal

A prayer journal can help you and your spouse connect with God on a more personal level. It’s a thoughtful gift that encourages reflection and spiritual growth. It provides a structured space for both partners to write down their thoughts, prayers, and reflections, fostering a closer connection with God and each other.

2) Pray Together Through Devotionals

Quiet times are often considered a separate time to pursue God’s Word and promises in a sacred relationship. However, what if we expanded that space to include our spouse?

Couples devotionals are typically structured as daily or weekly readings that include a short passage from the Bible, a reflection or commentary on that passage, discussion questions, and prayers. These resources are specifically tailored to help couples explore and apply their faith within the context of their relationship.

Here are a few of our favorites:

3) Express Your Love in a Handwritten Letter

Personal touches on a gift mean a lot. Take the time to write a heartfelt love letter to your spouse, expressing your love, gratitude, and faith in your relationship. A handwritten love letter is a deeply personal way to express your love and affection for your spouse. It goes beyond the convenience of digital communication, offering a tangible and heartfelt connection.

4) Grow Together Through Books

Christian books about marriage give couples unique opportunities to grow spiritually together. These books often offer practical advice on effective communication, conflict resolution, and building a strong emotional connection. They equip couples with tools to navigate challenges in a healthy and faith-based way.

Consider these:

5) We Want More Marriage Summit

What could be better than time away with your spouse?

The Want More Marriage Summit is a marriage summit for couples to discover all God has for their marriage—more than they ever realized.

Let’s agree that we are prone to miss the more God desires to bring about in us and through our marriage. Whether you have been married for just a few years or longer than you thought possible, God’s presence and purpose in your marriage remain constant. Our God is ready to take all that has happened and will happen in our marriages for us to become more together than we are now - for our good and His glory.

You are invited to step away and join other married couples willing to take a closer look at the more God has in store for their marriages than they can imagine.

Scholarships are available. We realize that the Christmas season can be financially burdensome, and we don’t want you to miss this incredible opportunity. So, if you wish to attend the We Want More Marriage Summit but are financially unable to do so, let us know, and we will be glad to work with you.